Nicole Cecil B

Blog and News


Added Aug 24, 2019

A dance through hell,

to the monster‘s rhythm.

Side by side.

Cheek to cheek.

Against fire and ice - 


by Nicole Cecil B

Ein Tanz durch die Hölle,

zum Rhythmus des Monsters.

Seite an Seite.

Wange an Wange.

Gegen Feuer und Eis -


von Nicole Cecil B

With thanks to my beloved.

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Look at Love

Added Aug 16, 2019

Today I would like to share one of the most wonderful and touching poems about love that I know:

Look at Love, by Rumi (1207 - 1273), English version by Nader Khalili:

"Look at Love…
how it tangles,
with the one fallen in love.

Look at spirit,
how it fuses with earth,
giving it new life.

Why are you so busy,
with this or that or good or bad,
pay attention to how things blend.

Why talk about all,
the known and the unknown,
see how unknown merges into the known.

Why think separately,
of this life and the next
when one is born from the last.

Look at your heart and tongue,
one feels but deaf and dumb,
the other speaks in words and signs.

Look at water and fire,
earth and wind,
enemies and friends all at once.

The wolf and the lamb,
the lion and the deer,
far away yet together.

Look at the unity of this,
spring and winter,
manifested in the equinox.

You too must mingle my friends,
since the earth and the sky
are mingled just for you and me.

Be like sugarcane,
sweet yet silent,
don’t get mixed up with bitter words.

My beloved grows
right out of my own heart,
how much more union can there be?"

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A Night on the Mountain

Added Aug 11, 2019

Berlin and the Alps.

Absolute Metropolis and absolute Mountains.

Absolute Crowds and absolute Aloneness.

Absolute Loudness and absolute Quietness.

Both extremes.

Both I love.

Both I need.


All of us know big cities. But have you ever consciously listened to the sounds of silence?

Last night I spent on a mountain.

All by myself.

In the middle of the nature: by the water, close to waterfalls, with an owl in the tree above me.

I had books with me, my drawing paper, something to write, (I have to admit: a cuddly toy).... but in the end, I just sat and watched and felt and listened... to the sounds of the mountain stream, the coolness, the sky, my owl, my feelings, my heart...

It was overwhelming. 

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I want

Added Aug 4, 2019

„I want to storm and push and spring awake,

I want to summer night dream and laugh tears of joy, 

I want to swim to the origin against the stream,

I want to paint my world view anew and define my position,

I want to feel new, see, smell and taste, (...)

I want to think in melodies and breath poetry,

I want to leave my comfort to the courage zone,

I want to be, not not to be.

And all of this happy.

I want to dare to know.

I want to be, so I am.“

Julia Engelmann, One day

English Translation by Nicole Cecil B

Not a single word to add from me....

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Added Aug 3, 2019

"Freedom" - one of the most talked about topics of my last weeks... Everybody is yearning for it - but has difficulties to define what it personally should content.

"Liberitas" generally stands for the ability to choose and decide between different possibilities without any compulsion. 

The condition of subjective autonomy.

But even persons with the most freedom I can think of are still not totally liberate - not free from any coercion, not free in mind.

Aren't most of the decisions made based on the "chains" of experience and life?

Are we really able to reach a condition of complete freedom?

Well, this subject might go beyond the scope... Let me close with these two quotes:

"La liberté consiste moins à faire sa volonté qu'a ne pas etre soumis à cell d'autrui." 

Jean-Jacque Rousseau

or quite simple:

"Don't try to take me where I don't wanna go..." 

The Road, Richie K. 

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Added Jul 31, 2019


Somewhere where my mind turns off and my heart becomes the guide and maybe my guard is down, but I don't seem to mind."

The Winery Dogs

Turning the mind off and letting "the guard" down is very difficult for head controlled persons.

But if your world suddenly collapses, you have to realize that you cannot control life at all.

You float.

And you start to follow your heart. 

A very facilitating experience.


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„Each single day....“

Added Jul 20, 2019

„Each single day you should listen to a little song, read a good poem, view an admirable painting and - if possible - speak a few reasonable words.“


Nurturing mind and soul is the basis to worship every single day of an intense life. Too often it needs extreme situations to make people aware...

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“To send lightness in the depth of the human heart..."

Added Jun 21, 2019

“To send lightness in the depth of the human heart – the artist’s profession!”

Robert Schumann

Isn’t this the hugest gift anybody can make at all?? 

To cause a smile - to make eyes shine - to brighten someone’s heart… 

Not only artists but all of us should think about these words.

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"... Such a draft does not need to be perfectly finalized ..."

Added Jun 19, 2019

"... Such a draft does not need to be perfectly finalized - if it is finished, seen, thought (and sensed) well, it can be much more delightful (and intense) for the lover than a highly performed art work."      

J.W. von G.’s words crossed my mind after discussions about my draft called “Undefined” and they describe the experience I have made during my short period of painting. 

Sometimes I start with a special idea, think about it a lot, paint for days and days... The longer it takes, the more effort and “head” I put in it, the more the “soul” is getting lost. In many case I do not even finish the work. 

But if there is a very strong emotion that I just want to get rid of by putting it on paper (sometimes within a few minutes - without thinking), the painting touches the viewer’s heart. Without any need to perfectly finish all details. A few lines can be enough. It is like opening your innermost self for somebody else. Very intense… He can “see” what you feel. (Several of such drawings you can find in my gallery called “Fading away” e.g.)

These two kinds of painting I call my "Head works" and my "Heart works" - with totally different intentions:


is definitely long work with different techniques, trying to perform as high as possible – hoping that the viewers will enjoy it.


is pure emotion - just getting rid of a feeling in a quick way – not a single thought about the result or if anybody will like it. 

Well, I am a newcomer... So I am very interested in the feedbacks of the professional artists and the way they design their way of working.

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"You only see what you know"

Added Jun 5, 2019

"You only see what you know."

Goethe's wise words in mind, it is overwhelming for me to experience what people "see" in my paintings because they "know" from the bottom of their heart...

Starting to paint, I tried to handle emotions that I could not express with words. My way... And only for me...

Never I had expected such tremendous responses - to touch people deep in their souls or even move them to tears.

Thanks for all your wonderful feedback!


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