Added Aug 3, 2019
"Freedom" - one of the most talked about topics of my last weeks... Everybody is yearning for it - but has difficulties to define what it personally should content.
"Liberitas" generally stands for the ability to choose and decide between different possibilities without any compulsion.
The condition of subjective autonomy.
But even persons with the most freedom I can think of are still not totally liberate - not free from any coercion, not free in mind.
Aren't most of the decisions made based on the "chains" of experience and life?
Are we really able to reach a condition of complete freedom?
Well, this subject might go beyond the scope... Let me close with these two quotes:
"La liberté consiste moins à faire sa volonté qu'a ne pas etre soumis à cell d'autrui."
Jean-Jacque Rousseau
or quite simple:
"Don't try to take me where I don't wanna go..."
The Road, Richie K.