Added Mar 17, 2020
First of all: Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments! Merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires!
As you can see in my gallery "Newest Artworks" I have changed the painting technique recently - from brush to scrapers.
Using lots of shiny colours the new paintings feel very strong and full of energy. I could discover that I love to express my emotions this way.
Starting an artwork in this new style, I have no idea about how the result should look like at all.
I just paint... paint what I feel… escaped to a different world… finished as soon as all my emotions have "flown" into the painting.
And then I sit down on the floor.
In front of my work.
Very still.
And just look.
Look and explore - for hours and hours…
And I ask myself: What do I see?
Even though the artworks are very abstract, I find so many little things in the intense colours: people, animals, mountains, lakes, flowers. Every time I watch it looks different to me: One time like millions of tulips, the other time like a beautiful orchid blossom.
And I see me. Genuine and unadorned.
What did it teach me?
If you are busy on whatever you love in your life (for me e.g. painting), you will not think or scare too much - not even about health threats. And you learn a lot about your innermost self.
Nicole Cecil B /