Nicole Cecil B

Exhibition - Frauenkircherl Erding January 2020
12 artworks

Nicole Cecil Bräunig-Reichel's next exhibition will take place from 03.01. to 10.01.2020 in the "Frauenkircherl", Schrannenplatz 2, DE-85435 Erding.

Book - "Stationen: Befreiung - Freiheit - Leben" by Nicole Cecil B
1 artwork

Nicole Cecil Bräunig-Reichel's new book "Stationen: Befreiung - Freiheit - Leben" with selected poems and paintings has been published in November 2019. It is available in german and english. Please send an email regarding pricing and leadtime.

Il Maggio in Puglia - With Wood Works
13 artworks

The colours of Puglia can set you on fire. It is the most beautiful to see the brightness of the surroundings melting with old Puglian wood.

Fading away - The Presence of Death
13 artworks

Without words...

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